Questions to answer:
What is Federal and non-Federal land?
What are the different types of Federal land?
How does this interact with natural resources?
Potential design solution:
Story map
Pane 1: [View of entire US with boundaries of Fed and non-Fed land]The United States is made up of many land jurisdictions. Some land is held privately, some in trust for Native American nations, some by states, and some by the Federal government.
Pane 2: [View of entire US with Fed land split into types (NPS, BLM, etc)]Within the Federal jurisdiction, land is further divided in how it is managed. Natural resource extraction is only permitted on certain types of Federal land, and where revenues from the extraction go changes based on the type of land. (More info on US land management as it pertains to resource extraction)
Pane 3: [View of entire US with oil and gas basins illuminated]Of course natural resources don’t follow political boundaries. Take oil and gas for example. There are X major basins in the U.S. (can explore hover-for-more-info or similar on basins, we have background and stats on those)
Pane 4: [Zoom to view of complicated land area]Sometimes the story gets very complex because extraction straddles Federal, State and private land.